CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE held within the Laggan Village Hall on 7th November 2003 at 10.30am PRESENT Mr Peter Argyle Mr Eric Baird Mr Duncan Bryden Mr Stuart Black Ms Sally Dowden Mr Basil Dunlop Mr Douglas Glass Mr Angus Gordon Mrs Lucy Grant Mr David Green Mr Bruce Luffman Mr William McKenna Ms Eleanor Mackintosh Mr Alastair MacLennan Ms Ann MacLean Mr Andrew Rafferty Mr Gregor Rimell Mr David Selfridge Mr Robert Severn Mrs Sheena Slimon Mr Richard Stroud Mr Andrew Thin Ms Susan Walker Mr Bob Wilson IN ATTENDANCE: Neil Stewart Sandra Middleton APOLOGIES: Ms Joyce Simpson WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION 1. The Convenor welcomed all present. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. 3. As requested in a previous meeting, a talk was given to the committee by Sean Sullivan from the Aviemore Resort Lands Development. 4. Member Sheena Slimon declared an interest in application number 03/086/CP. L:\_CNPA Board\Committees\Planning Committee\2003 1107\Draft Committee Minutes 071103.doc PLANNING APPLICATION CALL-IN DECISIONS 5. It was agreed that the development control protocol relating to the Call-in process be reviewed in December. 6. Bruce Luffman made the point that in the case where an application is submitted by a committee member the application should automatically be Called-in. It was agreed that this point be addressed at the next committee. 7. Alistair MacLennan asked that our controls over Prior Agricultural Notifications be clarified. It was agreed that this point be addressed at the next committee. 8. Call-in Notifications; a) 03/067/CP – No Call-in b) 03/068/CP – No Call-in c) 03/069/CP – No Call-in d) 03/070/CP – No Call-in e) 03/071/CP – No Call-in f) 03/072CP – No Call-in g) 03/073CP – No Call-in h) 03/074CP – No Call-in i) 03/075/CP – No Call-in j) 03/076/CP – No Call-in k) 03/077/CP – No Call-in l) 03/078/CP – No Call-in m) 03/079/CP – Peter Argyle declared an interest in this application. The decision was to Call-in this application as the following issues needed to be examined in relation to the Park aims; The proposal involves the introduction of man-made structures into some remote parts of the National Park and in some locations which may have an impact on the cultural and natural heritage of the area. The principle of the construction of the information cairns, may also raise issues that relate to the understanding and enjoyment, in the form of recreation, of the special qualities of the area by the public. As such, the development is of a type and nature that could raise issues of general significance to the aims of the Cairngorms National Park Authority. n) 03/080/CP – No Call-in o) 03/081/CP – The decision was to Call-in this application as the following issues needed to be examined in relation to the Park aims; The development of a telecommunications mast has been identified in the agreed Development Control Protocol as one, which by its nature, could be considered to have general significance to the aims of the Cairngorms National Park. In this instance, the type and size of the mast, and its location within an area of woodland which has been significantly clear felled, is positioned adjacent to an existing mast, and lies within the Deeside & Lochnagar National Scenic Area, may raise issues of general significance to the aims of the Cairngorms National Park Authority. p) 03/082/CP – No Call-in q) 03/083/CP – No Call-in r) 03/084/CP – The decision was to Call-in this application as the following issues needed to be examined in relation to the Park aims; The proposal to refurbish and extend this waste water treatment plant, which is located in a prominent position on a main tourist route, involves the construction of a new outfall discharging to the River Dee which is designated as a candidate Special Area of Conservation under the EC Habitats Directive. As such, the development may have an impact on the natural heritage interests of the River Dee. The development also raises matters in relation to the economic and social development of the local community. As such, the proposal may raise issues of general significance to the broad aims of the Cairngorms National Park Authority. s) 03/085/CP & 03/087/CP– No Call-in Sheena Slimon declared an interest at this point and left the room. t) 03/086/CP – The decision was to Call-in this application as the following issues needed to be examined in relation to the Park aims; The development of a single house in this visually prominent isolated countryside location may be contrary to countryside policy. The proposal has the potential to establish a precedent for other similar developments within the Cairngorms National Park which cumulatively, may raise issues of general significance to the aims of the Cairngorms National Park Authority. COMMENTING ON APPLICATIONS NOT CALLED-IN BY THE COMMITTEE 9. It was agreed that comments be brought forward on applications 03/085/CP and 03/069/CP. 10. Neil Stewart brought forward a paper suggesting comments on applications not Called-in by the committee at the previous meeting. Bruce Luffman, Peter Argyle and Richard Stroud declared an interest in Application 03/062/CP and 03/063/CP. Bob Wilson declared an interest in application 03/064/CP. The comments were Agreed. 11. It was agreed that the process of offering comments on applications not Called-in by the committee be reviewed. DECISION ON PLANNING APPLICATION 03/036/CP 12. The committee agreed the Planner’s recommendation to Approve the application subject to the conditions stated and the inclusion of a condition to state that materials and finishings must match existing and that details of the proposed windows and door be submitted for further approval. DECISION ON PLANING APPLICATION 03/040/CP 13. The committee agreed the Planner’s recommendation to Approve the application subject to the conditions stated and the inclusion of conditions to state that windows must be of a traditional style, and that the feature glazing on the south east gable be removed from the design. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 14. It was requested that the position of the CNPA as a consultee on Forestry Notifications be clarified. It was agreed that this would be addressed at the next committee. 15. Concern was raised that the CNPA have not been consulted on a proposed windfarm at Clashindarroch outside the Boundary of the National Park. It was agreed that the position of the CNPA as consultees in this situation be clarified at the next committee. 16. William McKenna requested guidance on traditional styles and materials and the appropriate application of these for developments in the park. It was agreed that an informal discussion group could be arranged to address this matter. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 17. 21st November 2003 at Braemar Village Hall, 10.30am. Members were reminded to notify the CNPA office as soon as possible if they are unable to attend this meeting. 18. The meeting concluded at 12.30pm.